Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Need to Make Time for Blogging!

It’s been a while since I have written… I knew this was going to happen as the novelty wears off and life gets in the way of good journal keeping. And Jean, I am feeling OK. :)

Work as been busy but steady, so I am not at any burnout stage like I was when I was back at Banfield. More work, more dinero, so that is a good thing. As Dan kept on reminding me, more work will bring us closer to the dream house in Kitsilano, whenever we get to move back to Vancouver.

We were back in Vancouver last weekend to see the parental units and to attend my Great Aunt #7’s 88th birthday bash – lots of good food and great company. We then spent Sunday just lounging around. Dan taught that night and I was feeling lazy, so I didn’t go to the yoga class. Instead, I took Gander for a walk down to Kits beach. I just love the fall. I moved into my apartment in Kits 4 years ago around this time of the year. Just walking around that neighborhood makes me really want to move back. The smell in the air, the crunching of leaves underfoot… just love it!

Rowing this morning was brutal – it was dry and not windy as I left the house, but as I got close to the boathouse, it was just coming down like there is no tomorrow. We were drenched by the time we started out warm up sequence and the rest of the row was just miserable. The fact that our timing was off a lot of the time didn’t help. The nice hot shower at the gym was heavenly! I am just happy to be dry right now.

OK, time to work!


At 7:05 AM, Blogger jamillafox said...

Glad to hear you're alive and well! Guess you're just too good for us now ;)

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Bernice said...

Your rowing practice sounds like my outrigger practice. The last two weeks it was light rain until we got onto the water. Then it started to pour... We were so wet that no one waited for the boat to come into shore so they could jump out and just hopped into the water. Unfortunately, I jumped out where it was a bit too deep for me ... guess that's what happens when you're short!


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