Thursday, October 06, 2005

Back to Work

My day off yesterday turned out to be not as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as I thought. After coming home from the dog park just before noon, I was going to read for a bit and watch a bit of day-time TV (no, not soaps… laugh if you must, but I like to catch watch the occasional ‘Matlock’, ‘Murder She Wrote’ and maybe ‘Perry Mason’…). But soon after I sat down on the couch and got the book out, I fell asleep for almost 2 hours. I remained really fuzzy-headed for another hour flipping through the channels before I finally got up and do the chores that I planned.

After receiving the Moro cookbook from May Shiu almost 2 years ago, I finally tried one of the recipes. Apparently, Moro is a very well-known restaurant in London specializing in Spanish, Moorish and Middle Eastern food. It took me so long to try the recipes because I have perceived them as those that require a lot of work and ‘special ingredients’. But after going through them (May Shiu also got me the second cookbook written by the same writers, i.e. the owners of the restaurant), I realized that many of them are actually fairly simple and non-labour intensive. Anyhow, I tried the slow-cook lamb with artichokes and mint and it turned out great! Dan did not care for the mint, but I think it gave it an extra kick. It went really well the cous cous and it is definitely something I would make again.

Maybe because I have been spending more time with Gander in the past 2 days, he seemed particularly ‘cuddly’ yesterday, and would rest his head on my foot while we were hanging out in the living room. We also managed to watch the Animal Channel without him jumping at the TV every few seconds… Or maybe he is just tired from all the playing and activities in the past couple of week! Or dare I think that he is calming down at last??!! …Nah, not so much!

Work has been busy but steady today, which is what I like. My only hospitalized patient is a 14 year-old Dachshund that has just been diagnosed with Addison’s disease. This is the second case of Addison’s I have seen in the past month and I would have been ‘lucky’ to see one a year! He is doing very considering he was half-dead when he came in 3 days ago! If everything progresses as it has been in the past few days, he should be going home tomorrow. Got to make room for the next run of sick pets!


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