Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Funny Bumper Sticker

Did the second 6K erg test of the season (and my second 6K ever) this morning. It was hard, but I did better than my last one and it was a totally different experience doing it will the rest of the crew.

Also confirmed that I will get to row in the Deep Cove Classic this weekend in North Vancouver. The coach has found enough people interested in going up. It will be over around 11 a.m., so we will be able to meet up with Mum later. Not sure at this point if Dan will come to the race… I doubt he would want to wake up early on a Sunday morning after driving up the night before. We’ll see.

I saw this funny bumper sticker on a truck on my way to work:

  • It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to get their next bomber.

As expected, there are also the usual anti-Bush and anti-war stickers on this truck as well. :)


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