Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm Sore!

It turned out that the Deep Cove Classic was not 100% cancelled, it just fell apart at some point because a few crews from Vancouver Island could not get over to the Lower Mainland due to some issues with the ferries. There were still 14 boats in the race. Now, here’s the interesting part: I was told by my coach that there will be a seat somewhere for me in a boat; but what she didn’t mention was that all the Master rowers at Deep Cove Rowing Club are all scullers. So after a lot of reorganizing because certain people were sick and couldn’t row in their original crew, I was put to stroke in a double. Yep, I have been in a double maybe 4 times? And I have sculled perhaps 5 or 6 times at the most. So ‘racing’ was a bit of an exaggeration. It was more like a private sculling lesson with a very experienced rower/coach! We still participated in the race and I think I did about 13 or 14K altogether (the race was 7K).

Deep Cove is beautiful even when it was raining. As much as I was not supposed to look around while I rowed, I couldn't help noticing the beautiful waterfront houses and the mountains around us. I bet it is gorgeous there when it is warm and sunny! Perhaps we would go kayaking there at in the future.

Mum came out to the boathouse with me even though it was a the crack of dawn. She walked around a bit and then waited for me in the car when it started to rain hard. After the race, we went to a local coffee shop called Honey’s Doughnut. The plain doughnuts there were super yummy, but the cinnamons were not nearly as good as those from Grounds for Coffee in Kits next to the apartment where I used to live.

We went home, cleaned up and headed out for dim sum at Kirin. We ate lots and I still had room for dessert! The original plan was to go shopping after lunch, but I was dosing off soon after we got into the car, so we just went back to the house and napped! After sleeping for just over an hour, I got up and started heading south. The rain was horrible on the way down, but I got through without much trouble – managed to be home just under 3 hours.

Dan gave me a huge surprise when I got home – he painted the dining room on Saturday while I was at work and replace the hideous lamp in that room!! All our friends and family who have been to our house have noticed the paint swatch that we have left up on the wall for almost 2 years. It has finally come down! Dan also re-arranged the furniture in our guest room so that the headboard of the bed is no longer sharing the wall with the headboard of our bed. When our guests snored, we used to hear it in our room… and I am sure they could hear us snore too…. Well, at least they were able to hear Dan snore!

I slept very well last night and had a hard time getting up this morning for rowing class. After all that effort, I found out that it was too windy for us to go out this morning, so we did partnered erging exercise instead. We did a pyramid piece and we each ended up rowing 8K (500m, 1000m, 1500m, 2000m, 1500m, 1000m, 500m). I am still sore from it all!! I am sure I will fall asleep early tonight!

Work has been weird today. One of the other doctors hurt her back very badly yesterday, so she will be out of commission for a while. We are sharing her appointments, most of which had to be rescheduled. I had multiple no-shows and rescheduled appointments of my own, so I was sort of slow in the morning. But just before lunch time, things started going crazy (for me). At least I managed to run and grab a bite to eat. And now I am wondering where my appointment is… I’d better go and check…. I think they are almost 10 minutes late…


At 7:37 AM, Blogger jamillafox said...

No Blogging for a solid week! Are u ok?


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