Monday, October 10, 2005

It's All About Rowing

It has been a few tiring but rewarding days. On Saturday, I had a fairly busy day at work – fully booked appointments, phone calls, paperwork and overworked technicians… you know, the usual Saturday. But the cases were all fairly straightforward and the clients were nice, so it made the day went a lot smoother.

Yesterday, I participated in my first ‘serious’ head races – Tail of the Lake on Lake Union. The Row for the Cure last month was fun and was for a great cause, but this was a bit more competitive. Our women’s 8+ was in the first flight and we came 8th out of 12 boats. I was also in a mixed 8+ in the third flight and we came 4th out of 10 boats; but I was quite tired from the first race that I was barely hanging on during the second race. At least I managed to keep up and did not catch a crab. Doing two 4K races in a day was quite hard, but almost everyone else did it, so I can’t complain too much.

It was nice to hang out with my fellow rowers yesterday and have some bonding time. I start to lose that ‘outsider’ feeling as a result. One thing I found out yesterday while hanging out with the rest of the rowers from my class was that I am not the only one who is not too keen on our new head coach. I have kept my opinions to myself, but almost everyone else didn’t! I have not been too impressed about the drill sergeant approach to coaching; I feel much more motivated when the coach has a positive attitude and is not condescending or mean when they criticize my rowing techniques. It is nice to be told that I have made good changes instead of being told that I suck at whatever I was doing and then was not given much advice on how to improve. Certain coaches have the ability to explain what they want us to work on in different ways if the first attempt did not work; and then they are excited and enthusiastic about it when we finally get it and make a positive change. This new coach seems to lack in this specific talent. I am sure she is very knowledgeable, but she just needs to work on her attitude and make her point without being totally rude about it. Having said that, she did complement me on my rowing today, so I can’t be too harsh on her… at least not today.

After rowing over 8K yesterday, a slower pace workout this morning was a nice change. The water was great and our crew worked together very well, we had a nice solid row and workout without killing ourselves. Now it’s time to recuperate before our second 6K erg test on Wednesday! Yuck!


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