Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed!

Had a good workout this morning and am looking forward to another productive day off. I was originally assigned a port seat for practice this morning, but there were last minute changes involving the race line-ups (Tail of the Lake on Sunday at Lake Union), so I got to row on starboard today- phew! I also found out that one of the women is sick and won’t be able to race on Sunday, so I will be taking her place. At first I thought that would mean that I won’t have to row in the Mixed 8+ where I was assigned a port seat, but I found out that I am actually going to row in both the Mixed 8+ and the Women’s 8+ races on Sunday! That would be a huge challenge because I am not sure how I will manage physically, but it was nice that the coach picked me to do it. I just have to make sure that I don’t mess it up!

Well, time to head off to the dog park!


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