Monday, September 19, 2005

Gander, the rock star!

It is funny how little things in life sometimes bring you so much joy or make the day seem so much nicer. Today has been a pretty good day overall starting with a really good row in the morning (a very set boat and good workout). I also had my favourite shift – surgery – and the work day went smoothly plus I got off work before 5 p.m. But what really put a smile on my face was when I opened the mail box and found the first issue of a newsletter from Riverdog, Gander’s school and daycare: one of the articles was about the Canine Good Citizen award given by the AKC. And there it was, Gander was listed as one of the new CGCs! I guess it’s not hard to see that my world revolves around this furry guy! I am hoping that by next year this time, Gander and I will have successfully completed his therapy dog training, registered with the Delta Society Pet Partners Program and become a Reading with Rover team (or at least in-training!). Yes, I do have great dreams for my pup!


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