Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

We went down to the Brewhouse again last night to see what the weekend scene is like there. Kind of dead, but I don't actually mind it being quiet... must be another sign that I am getting older. We only had a drink each; bought some beer for next weekend and then we went for a drive since it was such a nice night.

Totally slept in this morning - well, 9am for me is pretty late these days when it used to be normal weekend hours! Got everything together for a picnic and then headed out to Rattlesnake Lake again. It was not too busy when we got there, but many people showed up later on. We had a relaxing time just hanging out on the beach and playing with the dog. We took a walk to the Cedar Falls Watershed Education Center afterwards and saw the rain drums. Basically, a computer program controlled water coming out of these small pipes over different drums scattered over a courtyard. The result was very similar to taiko drum pieces. Very well done.


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