Thursday, February 16, 2006

Why Do People Spit On The Street?? Yuck!!

I had to witness and endure one of the most disgusting things this morning on my way to Marymoor Park with Gander. It was late rush hour and there was road work, so we were crawling along the road for about half an hour and I was stuck behind this couple in a beat-up sedan all that time. The girl was driving and, I kid you not, she spat out of her window every minute or so and this was during the entire time I was driving behind them. I get disgusted when people spit on the street, when athletes spit before or after their race… So you can imagine how absolutely grossed out I was to have to see her do that thirty-something times in a row…. And she probably smoked 2 or 3 cigarettes in that duration as well. Her companion also spat out of his window, but no where close to 30 times… may be 5 or 6 times.

Next time you are in the Eastside and you are driving behind an old, white, Subaru sedan with a broken driver’s side mirror and this small tote or bucket-looking thing hanging off the rear-view window (that was where she kept her cigarettes and lighter), just watch out!

My book log:
'Vinegar Hill' - A. Mannette Ansay
'Nothing But the Truth' - John Lescroft - did not finish it because it was just too boring; I very seldom give up on a book because I tend to tough it out.... but this book just sucked.
'The Dead of Jericho' (Inspector Morse Series) - Colin Dexter

I am now reading 'The Loyal Character Dancer' - Qui Xiaolong - This is one of the Soho Crime books. They are 'novels featuring foreign settings, local noir and unusual investigators'. Qui's books feature an inspector in Shanghai. This is his second book and he has got a thrid one out. I prefer to read detective novels/muder mysteries with the same characters because I can focus less on character development that usually takes up some time. Instead, I can pay more attention to the plot itself. I am always on a lookout for new writers, well, at least new to me.


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