Monday, June 12, 2006

First Post After a Long Absence

Today would have been Pepper’s 15-year-old birthday if he were still with us. I can’t believe it has been almost 15 years since we welcome that ball of energy into our home in Hong Kong. In memory of him (I used to take Pepper to Buntzen Lake on the Mondays I had off) and also as part of my latest quest to explore local hiking trails (Issaquah is the Trailhead City after all!), I took Gander to the Talapus Lake Trail not too far off Exit 45 of I-90. I originally wanted to go all the way to Ollalie Lake as well, but soon after we left Talapus, the trail became less distinct, especially due to the snow on the ground; since I am not an experienced hiker and have a poor sense of direction (even though I know all I have to do if all else fails is to start heading down), we turned around and had a 2 ½-hour hike instead of a 4-hour hike. It was a fairly easy hike; in fact, at times, it felt more like a walk in the woods than a hike. The climb is pretty gradual and the trail was well-maintained. I was disappointed that there was no good access to the lake, but Gander managed to go for a dip in one of the streams flowing out of the lake, so he was happy. He also enjoyed a romp in the snow.

I recently started reviewing books for Armchair Interviews ( and am currently reading the third book they sent me. The first 2 books were not that great, but this one is quite good so far. I already received the 4th book in the mail the other day and instead of being a mystery/thriller which I prefer, I agreed to review what sounded like chiclit. As much as I hate to judge a book by it’s cover, the design is pretty tacky… I mean, there is chiclit and there is chiclit-wannabe. I won’t know until I have read it to decide which this one belongs to… I felt kind of bad that the first two books I read for AI got (at best) mediocre review, but the editor of the site was happy about them, and even asked me to write something about myself so that they could post it on their newsletter… So I guess being honest about crappy books works for me…

I will be attending my first Masters Regional later this month. I will be in 4 races…. With heats and, hopefully, finals, I will be pretty dead by the end of the weekend. But I am looking forward to that nonetheless.

Well, got to get on with the book…


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