Friday, February 03, 2006

Gander's Birthday

Today, well, technically yesterday, was Gander’s 2-year-old birthday. So in another year or so, he should ‘settle down’! 2 years ago this time, we were still looking for a breeder and it was not until a week or two after the litter was born that we found out about it. Can’t believe the G-boy has been in our lives for almost 2 years.

I can be one of those crazy dog owners sometimes and I actually baked a birthday cake for him. Thanks to Kiki, I now have a dog food cookbook and Gander gets to be my guinea pig for trying out doggie treats, just as Dan is my guinea pig for people treats. I even brought some of the cake to work so that some of Gander’s friends could have some cake, i.e. quite a few coworkers’ dogs that come to work. Yes, I am a bit nuts when it comes to Gander, but he is my little furry baby, and I just can’t help it.

I usually don’t like working the 12 to 9 shift, but this morning, I was able to spend some time with the birthday boy and finish reading ‘Crow Lake’ by Mary Lawson, which was a great read. I heard about the book a few years back when there was an interview with the author on CBC. The story was about a family with 4 children in rural Ontario; the parents died in a car accident and the kids were left to face the world on their own. It caught my attention right away, but it took me a year or so after that to buy the book and another 2 to actually pick it up and read it. It turned out to be one of those books that suck you in within the first 2 sentences. When all was revealed, the plot was actually quite straight forward, but the way the author slowly drew out the details was what kept me going. Definitely a book I would recommend. Hmmm, maybe I should start to make log of the books I have read…

The books I have read this year so far… I think that’s all:
  • ‘Maisie Dobbs’ – Jacqueline Winspear

  • ‘Fleshmarket Close’ – Ian Rankin

  • Collection of Miss Maple Short Stories – Agatha Christie

  • ‘Vesuvius Club’ – Mark Gatiss

  • ‘Jane Austen Book Club’ – Karen Joy Fowler

  • ‘Crow Lake’ – Mary Lawson

I’ve just started A. Manette Ansay’s ‘Vinegar Hill’. It’s OK to far, but it is not drawing me in like ‘Crow Lake’. That said, I think it’s time for me to head to bed and do some bedtime reading!


At 10:38 PM, Blogger New EFL Experience said...

I am happy that you like 'Crow Lake'. I just found your Blog while I was searching for my teaching source about the novel. I am an English teacher in korea. So I'd like teach that book for my students because I was also so lost in the story that I felt strong obligation that I should let students feel the same as me. But actually, as I am not good at teaching novels, I am still hesisting it. I'd appreciate it if you help me teach the novel. Bye.
My address :


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