Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What's In Your Lotion?

OK, so it is a bit dead at work right now, so I have a bit of time on hand… My friend, Kiki, sent me this e-mail months ago about concerns regarding chemicals found in personal care products with various links to sites that discuss the topic. I didn’t check those out until the last couple of days and that was quite an eye-opening experience. I don’t want to be an alarmist or to be totally paranoid, but there is really a lot of crap in the soaps, creams, lotions etc. that we use day in day out. Brands that I think of as higher quality don’t necessarily produce safer products. Products that are unscented/fragrance free and claim to be natural may still contain large amount of potentially toxic chemicals. Of course one has to take into account that there are enough pollutants, toxins, carcinogens and allergens out there on the street; if you just stand there for long enough, I am sure the body will absorb quite a few things you don’t really want in your body. Not to mention the various petroleum-based chemicals we come into contact with day in day out… But the way I look at it is that if we know some things that we use can potentially be bad for us and it is not a big deal to use healthier alternatives, why not?

So here are a few links that may help you make some decision about what you use:



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