Friday, November 04, 2005

End of the Rowing Season for Me

When I told the coaches that I would be available for the Head of the Lake race next weekend, I was told that there will be a tryout for the 2 really strong, competitive boats and each class will also send in other boats for the race. Coach M was also very adamant that the line-ups for the race will be up 2 weeks before the race and that those of us who want to race should not miss any practice.

I know I am just an intermediate level rower and I was not going to try out for the competitive women’s 8+; so I waited and waited for the ‘class boat’ line-up to be drawn up. As the race date got closer, there has been no follow-up on the seat-racing that was supposed to take place; there was also no news of a line-up for the boat from our class. Meanwhile, my back started to act up again in the past few weeks. But I thought, “Oh well, it’s just another 3 weeks, I will just tough it out until after the race. Since I have committed myself to be available for the race, I can’t miss practice now…”

It is extremely frustrating to then find out today, a week before the race, that I was not put in a line-up. When I asked M, she just said, “You are not as strong as the others”. I know that I am not as good as the people in the selected crew, that was why I was waiting to be put in a less experienced/competitive crew! I was not aware of any selection process in our class until today because our head coach chose not to follow-up on her previous plan and not to inform the class of the change.

I received an e-mail from our team captain earlier today suggesting that I tell the Director of the rowing club about the situation. Apparently, there are still other issues that need to be addressed. And she (captain) assured me that our regular coach will be back soon. It was nice to get the message from her and to know that other people felt that the situation was not handled properly. I will see what comes out of this. I will end my season early to rest my back, work on core strength and return in spring, hopefully with our old head coach back!


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