Saturday, September 17, 2005

A quiet Saturday... sort of...

I brought Gander to Marymoor Park this morning and he was super happy to be there. It’s been a while since I have taken him to the dog park because they have fenced off the slough for the season and I was concerned that he would not get to swim much. Nonetheless, he had a great time playing with other dogs and stealing their toys. He was so excited to be there that he did not listen very well.

After almost 2 hours at the park, we went to Redmond Town Center so that I could go to REI to ask about a Swiss Army watch I got from there that is not as water resistant as it claimed to be: after my little morning dip last week, I noticed condensation under the glass. Luckily, they have another one there so that I could exchange the broken one for a new one. Phew!

But the bad news I received when I arrived at REI was that they have changed their dog policy and no longer allow leashed dogs in the store. Apparently, there were a couple of biting incidences at the Seattle store and they now only allow service dogs in the store. What a bummer… a couple of bad apples ruining it or everyone else!

There was a pleasant surprise though. Apparently, the Seattle Humane Society had a charity walk there this morning, so there were many booths set up by dog-related organizations at the mall for us to visit. There were also dozens of dogs there so Gander was able to put his CGC training to use. I also had the opportunity to watch the Reading with Rover team at work ( and talk to a handler about what I should do to prepare Gander to become a reading dog (no, he will not learn to read, he will train to be a therapy dog for a children literacy program). We were in the bookstore for a while and Gander was extremely well-behaved. The handler I was talking was quite impressed with him and said that with some training, Gander should have no problem becoming a therapy dog… even though it may mean that I will have to run him at the park for 2 hours before each reading session!

This evening, we went to Stacy and James’ first annual Mexican Luau. We had lots of quesadillas, Margaritas, brownies and great company. Unfortunately, we were not able to get a turntable for the LP collection of Hawaiian music we found in the attic (left by previous owners of our house). But since this will be an annual event, we have another year to get our act together and have real Hawaiian music next year!

Well, it’s off to bed early for me tonight… got to race tomorrow!


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