Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ham 'n' Egger?

Today is my first day back at rowing since our flip last week. Although there was much improvement needed with timing and techniques in our boat, I was happy to arrive at the dock warm and dry. It was a big disappointment when I found out that there were not enough people from our class interested in the Row for the Cure to put together a crew, I soon found out that I could still go and row in the “Ham ‘n’ Egger” race where they just put together boats of people who have not rowed as a crew before. The registrar, Julie, of the event helped me sign up and was super nice in explaining all the details I need to be aware of on the day. I am now warming up to the idea of ‘being thrown in a boat and just row’. After all, it is not the race that counts but the cause of the event. It’s not too late to make a pledge! Just e-mail me!


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