Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Big White Rocks!

Got home yesterday from a fantastic weekend at Big White. Hock Lai, Sue and children are all there and so are a few of their friends from the IOM, including Marius and his kids whom I last saw 5 years ago! How time flies!!

The weather was gorgeous and it was so warm and sunny that I totally packed the wrong clothes!! Having said that, yesterday morning, there was 3 cm of snow from overnight and it was dumping snow when we left! Now at least I know to be prepared for all kinds of weather up there next time we go. I have not gone spring skiing for a while, and it took me a while to get used to the softer and sticker snow, but it still beats going up to Whistler at this time of the year.

The condo at the Raven is almost ready. Most of the furniture and kitchn stuff are already there. Dan spent an afternoon there doing some work and inspecting the place and found a bunch of little (and not so little) things that need fixing. He took tons of photos both for the promotional website and for the developer. We also met Wendy, the lady who will be managing the unit for us. She gave us good info about how to set things up so that we will be ready to go the moment we officially take over the condo.

Getting back to work is difficult, but it is good to see that I have a busy schedule today and tomorrow... now that we will have another mortgage to pay, got to keep busy!!


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