Monday, November 27, 2006


In the 3 1/2 hours since I got home today, there has been about 1 foot of snow accumulated in the backyard. Dan has been on the road from work for over 2 hours (usually takes 30 minutes for him to get home). Pat's car doesn't have winter tires, so Dan is trying to get Pat home but they have been stuck in crawling traffic for a long time.

I feel guilty to say that I had a grand time out there playing in the snow with Gander. He just loved it! He did his usual frolick in the snow - super cute! Took some photos as well as some video footage. Will see how those work out!

Not sure what is going to happen tomorrow - either we have to car pool to work in the Passat or if Dan could work from home, I will have to take the Passat. We'll see. Apparently, Mini Coopers are not doing to hot out there... having said that, neither are Hummers, according to Dan.


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