Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Inteligunt Desine

It was a huge relief to hear that a federal judge has ruled that ‘intelligent design’ is a religious view that does not have a place in science classes. No matter how they try to dress it up, ‘intelligent design’ is still creationism. There may be ‘gaps’ in the history of the earth that could not be explained by evolution at the moment, but it certainly does not mean that creationism is, therefore, the legitimate alternative theory. Creationism is a belief, a religious one at that, with no scientific proof.

The difference between faith and science is that with science, one is encouraged to ask more questions. Scientific ideas or theories may be proven right or wrong, but the goal is to search for those answers. On the other hand, faith is just that: one does not ask questions on why because one just believes. And that is exactly what ‘intelligent design’ is all about: supporters of ‘intelligent design’ basically said that life is too complicated to have come about by chance and, therefore, some higher power must have designed it. “Right… That’s just the way it is…” The day a scientist stops asking why, he ceases to be one.

I think people can believe in whatever they want, but one just can’t mix religious propaganda with the teaching of science. If parents want their children to consider creationism as the explanation for life, so be it, but leave it outside the science class and out of public schools.


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