Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Immigration, a Headache for All

One of the latest topics on the radio is about immigration. I have not yet made up my mind what I think is best and I don’t know how the U.S. will be able to get itself out of the current situation. There are many illegal immigrants in this country who are contributing to the economy and have built their lives here, bought houses, raised children, paid taxes and have positive contributions to the communities. For these people, I believe that they should, over time, be given the opportunity to become legal residents. Meanwhile, I agree that there should be improved measures to stop more illegal immigrants from entering the country – sure enough, if the people who are thinking of illegally entering the country see that over time, there is a chance for them to become legal, then there is an incentive to risk crossing the border… That’s why I am sitting on the fence, undecided at this point.

Let’s face it, look at the types of jobs many of these illegal immigrants end up having – if there is an abundance of Americans willing to take those jobs, which are usually manual jobs, with long hours and involve a lot of hard work, there is no need for the employers to hire illegal immigrants who are often willing to take any jobs that come their way.

At the same time, I don’t know how on earth INS will be able to deal with more processing of a revised/new type of visa. Our friends who are skilled, legal immigrants working for Microsoft, are already in the system to get their Green Cards. A few months ago, they all got letters telling them that due to the overwhelming number of applications which need processing and the INS was (still is) way behind, they have indefinitely freeze further processing of their applications. In the mean time, they can continue to renew their current work visa year by year, but there is no telling how long this freeze will end. Just think, if the INS cannot process the legal immigrants already in the system, how are they going to screen the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country and more that are going to apply legally for temporary visas?

This is all a bit of a cluster. But I have no solution to offer.


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