Thursday, October 12, 2006

Second Day at Congress

Didn't post anything yesterday since it was not the most exciting day. Slept in last night and then had breakfast before being 'escorted' to the Metro by Dan, May Shiu and Neil so that I could attend the Congress.

I ran into Dr. Allen Stockley from Eagle Ridge and his wife. Chatted with them for a bit and then went on to attend 4 lectures: a couple of Derm and a couple of ENT. Quite informative.

After I got 'home', we all went to the beerhouse/restaurant which has been brewing beer since the 1400's. It was a pretty impressive looking place and the food was awesome. However, with my sore throat and congestion, the smokey air was not helping. We just wandered around for a bit and then we headed back to the hotel.

Had to wake up 'early' this morning to come to the lectures.... not too bad, but the cold is not getting better just yet. Saw Drs. Upjohn and Stockely and will be making plans with them to get together for dinner at some point.

The next couple of days will not be too exciting until we get to go on an excursion somewhere... until then, it time to 'work'!


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