Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Inteligunt Desine

It was a huge relief to hear that a federal judge has ruled that ‘intelligent design’ is a religious view that does not have a place in science classes. No matter how they try to dress it up, ‘intelligent design’ is still creationism. There may be ‘gaps’ in the history of the earth that could not be explained by evolution at the moment, but it certainly does not mean that creationism is, therefore, the legitimate alternative theory. Creationism is a belief, a religious one at that, with no scientific proof.

The difference between faith and science is that with science, one is encouraged to ask more questions. Scientific ideas or theories may be proven right or wrong, but the goal is to search for those answers. On the other hand, faith is just that: one does not ask questions on why because one just believes. And that is exactly what ‘intelligent design’ is all about: supporters of ‘intelligent design’ basically said that life is too complicated to have come about by chance and, therefore, some higher power must have designed it. “Right… That’s just the way it is…” The day a scientist stops asking why, he ceases to be one.

I think people can believe in whatever they want, but one just can’t mix religious propaganda with the teaching of science. If parents want their children to consider creationism as the explanation for life, so be it, but leave it outside the science class and out of public schools.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Vancouver Blizzard 2005

Got this from Dan today. Very funny.

Vancouver Blizzard 2005 - Revenge of the Commuters
Chilled Vancouver commuters faced their second day of winter hell today,as an additional ¼ centimeter of the peculiar white stuff fell, bringingthe lower mainland to its knees and causing millions of dollars worth ofdamage to the marijuana crops. Scientists suspect that the substance issome form of frozen water particles and experts from Saskatchewan arebeing flown in. With temperatures dipping to the almost but not quitenear zero mark, Vancouverites were warned to double insulate their lattesbefore venturing out.
Vancouver police recommended that people stay inside except foremergencies, such as running out of espresso or biscotti to see themthrough Vancouver’s most terrible storm to date. The local Canadian Tirereported that they had completely sold out of fur-lined sandals.
Drivers were cautioned to put their convertible tops up, and several havebeen shocked to learn that their SUV’s actually have four wheel drive,although most have no idea how to use it.
Weary commuters faced soggy sushi, and the threat of frozen breastimplants. Although Dr. John Blatherwick, of the Coastal Health Authorityreassured everyone that most breast implants were perfectly safe to 25below, down-filled bras are flying off the shelves at Mountain Equipment Co-op.“The government has to do something,” snarled an angry Trevor Warburton. “Ididn’t pay $540,000 for my one bedroom condo so I could sit around and betreated like someone from Toronto.”

Monday, December 05, 2005

Great Weekend

The snow is almost gone now… a bit left on the lawn with our snowman reduced to a tilted lump. We managed to play in the snow a little bit yesterday when we went for a hike/walk at Cougar Mountain with C.J. and Mike. It was a bit overcast in the morning when they came over for breakfast, but by the time we set out, the sky has cleared up and it was sunny. We let Gander off leash and he did really well staying close to us. It was a very nice and easy ‘hike’.

Dan and I then hit the outlet mall in North Bend because he needs a ‘new wardrobe’. Because of the extra holiday sale, there are some amazing deals. This was really Dan’s first outlet mall shopping experience, and he was very pleasantly surprised by how cheap some things are. So I think I will get less resistance in the future when I suggest going to the outlet for a spin. He also said that from now on, if we need to shop for anything, we should check out the outlet first! Sounds good to me!

We met up with one of my vet school friends on Saturday night. Nenad has been working as an equine vet since graduation and he is in town for the AAEP Convention in Seattle. His wife, Tara, (also a vet from my school but from a different year) and his daughter, Katarina, are also here. We made plans to have dinner at McCormick & Schmick’s in Seattle and we were joined by one of his partners from the practice. We had a wonderful meal and a great time catching up and talking about everything from ski experience to world politics. Not sure when I will see him again, but it was sure great to be able to keep in touch with old friends.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Midnight Snowman

We had about 2 to 3 inches of snow by last night. Since there was no snow up in Whislter, I decided to let Gander out before we went to bed just so he could play in the snow for a bit – who knows when the next opportunity would come? Dan also decided to take some photos while we were out there. We were about to head back inside when I made a comment that I have never made a snowman. So Dan ended up showing me how to make a snowman – it was a whole new experience to me: it never snowed in HK or Santa Cruz; and when it did snow in the part of England where I was, there was not enough for us to really go frolicking in the snow. As for the last 6 years in Vancouver and Seattle… don’t have an excuse! Anyway, I made a snowman for the first time and it was fun! We had to keep Gander for running it over though and we could really be too loud because it was almost midnight by the time we got started!

Today was my day off and I did the usual thing: dog park, shopping and cooking. I did have a bit f problem getting out of the driveway because of the snow, but that was nothing a bit of shoveling couldn’t fix. We ran into Lisa, Brad and Rylan at Marymoor and we had a nice walk around the park with them. They had to put Brew to sleep recently because he was getting very old and his quality of life was deteriorating. I found out that there is a new ‘feature’ at the park : a Pet Garden where people can bury the ashes of their pets; not sure if I would do that…

Dinner is now in the oven and the panettone dough is rising nicely, I can sit down, relax and get on with my book: Ann-Marie MacDonald’s The Way he Crow Flies. It was a slow start, but once I got into it, I couldn’t put it down. The fact that it has been dead at work and I had so much time on my hand helped!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Let it Snow!

Yeah! It’s snowing and it is really coming down! I hope it continues tomorrow on my day off! I would love to go play in the snow with Gander. I love it!