Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Perfect Flip

I sometimes hear people say that how you start a day often sets the tone for the how the rest of your day goes. That is true a lot of the times, but I am glad that it was not quite so today…

I got up early to attend my 5 a.m. rowing class (as on most Fridays in the past 7 months). I was quite pleased that my back did not seem sore even though I did my first 6K erg test the evening before and I worked out a bit harder than usual. I was in a 4+ this morning and it has been a while since I have been in one. It was a windy morning and the water was quite choppy. Even as we were doing our warm-ups by pairs, the boat was not set and we were just all over the place. Of course it was even worse when we all rowed together. We were attempting to spin the boat when it happened: the boat started to tilt to port side when they started backing, I tried to keep my oar level (I was on starboard side), but we just kept tipping over. It was as if everything was in slow motion as we went over. Luckily for us, the water was not too cold and our coach was close by with the launch. We managed right the boat without much trouble and we all got into the launch and towed the boat back. Besides a few bruised egos, we were all fine. I have never capsized a rowing shell before, so at least I’ve got that checked off of my list! If I was not fully awake before, I definitely was now!

Fortunately, the rest of my day was a lot smoother – busy but steady day, nice clients and patients, uneventful drive up to Vancouver with an easy-going border guard. And here I am, sitting in bed writing in my ‘journal’.

This is going to be a busy weekend with my cousins in town and my grandma’s 90th (?) birthday dinner. If nothing else, I know there will be lots of food and booze!! Party on!


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