Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Adrenaline Rush

There is nothing like an angry cat that can get my adrenaline going. I remember when I was a student working on my externship at ERABH in Coquitlam, I used to get very nervous when I was asked to bring feline patients out for the doctors or techs to give them exams or treatments. More often than not, the cat would be hissing at me or trying to swipe or lunge at me when I open the kennel door. I suspect they must have sensed my fear. After a couple of summers of working there and watching how the techs handle fractious cats (especially Jen, who is fearless when it comes to the meanest kitty cats), I slowly develop the skill of dealing with these vicious felines. Over the years, I have become more confident and proficient in handling and restraining fractious cats to the point where I enjoy the challenge of working with one. Oh yes, I still get scratched and bitten sometimes, but most of the time, I get the job done without anybody getting hurt (including the cat!). The rush of adrenaline and the satisfaction I get when the cat is safely back in the cage (and I am safely on the other side of the cage) are welcoming on an otherwise quiet steady work day!


At 6:46 PM, Blogger jamillafox said...

I can sympathize with that- our cat is pretty vicious and temperamental too. Although at times she can be a real sweetie


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