Sunday, December 03, 2006

Second stage of allergy testing...

After my apparent beer allergy episode back in September, I stayed away from it for about 2 months. That was just after I have discovered some really yummy stuff at our local brewhouse. Breaking out in hives and the midnight visit to urgent care followed by an epi-pen injection was not so fun. So I had to not drink beer at all even when we were in Prague.

2 weeks ago when we had dinner at Mike and CJ's, I finally drank beer for the first time sincemy visit to the urgent care clinic. I had a glass of Duvel, a Belgian beer, and had no problem afterwards. And then during Thanksgiving weekend, I had a couple bottles of a Czech beer I got from Trader Joe's; I had no reaction to it either.

So the question now is: am I allergic to just the Rogue Nation Brewery beers or some kind of chemicals/material they use during the brewing process. Finally, last night, we went to the brewhouse again for the first time in 2 1/2 months. I picked the Juniper Pale Ale (it had to be a brew that I have had before) and ordered a burger (last few times I had seafood/fish there, so I thought I would avoid that to rule out seafood allergy... I have had seafood umpteen times since my hive experience with no problem). I savored every sip of the beer as it might have been the last time I will ever get to taste it.

It has been 16 hours since I drank that beer and I have not had any symptoms. Granted, last time it took almost 2 days before everything blew up... at least I will be off tomorrow if I have any problem. I brought my Prenisone with me today just in case. I have been having little itches here and there.... but more psychosomatic than anything else.

For now, it is wait and see.