Friday, December 02, 2005

Midnight Snowman

We had about 2 to 3 inches of snow by last night. Since there was no snow up in Whislter, I decided to let Gander out before we went to bed just so he could play in the snow for a bit – who knows when the next opportunity would come? Dan also decided to take some photos while we were out there. We were about to head back inside when I made a comment that I have never made a snowman. So Dan ended up showing me how to make a snowman – it was a whole new experience to me: it never snowed in HK or Santa Cruz; and when it did snow in the part of England where I was, there was not enough for us to really go frolicking in the snow. As for the last 6 years in Vancouver and Seattle… don’t have an excuse! Anyway, I made a snowman for the first time and it was fun! We had to keep Gander for running it over though and we could really be too loud because it was almost midnight by the time we got started!

Today was my day off and I did the usual thing: dog park, shopping and cooking. I did have a bit f problem getting out of the driveway because of the snow, but that was nothing a bit of shoveling couldn’t fix. We ran into Lisa, Brad and Rylan at Marymoor and we had a nice walk around the park with them. They had to put Brew to sleep recently because he was getting very old and his quality of life was deteriorating. I found out that there is a new ‘feature’ at the park : a Pet Garden where people can bury the ashes of their pets; not sure if I would do that…

Dinner is now in the oven and the panettone dough is rising nicely, I can sit down, relax and get on with my book: Ann-Marie MacDonald’s The Way he Crow Flies. It was a slow start, but once I got into it, I couldn’t put it down. The fact that it has been dead at work and I had so much time on my hand helped!


At 10:30 PM, Blogger Bernice said...

=) you had 2-3 inches =) we had about 6 here =) pain to shovel, but made everything look nice. now it's melting and everything is covered in dirty brown snow.


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