Monday, September 05, 2005

Labour Day Weekend

We finally got home after a fairly busy, but enjoyable Labour Day weekend. And I feel like I have not stopped eating since Friday night… We were invited to some friends’ house for dinner. I didn’t realize that it was dinner with a ‘theme’ until we got there and it was such a nice surprise! Rose decided to have a Spanish feast, so she made everything all from scratch: stuffed red peppers with shrimp, asparagus salad, papas bravas (fried potatoes with a very yummy dipping sauce), gambas al ajillo (spicy garlic prawns), steamed mussels and crostini with this amazing alioli (don’t remember what was in it). We also had lots of olives, grapes, Serrano ham with melon and Manchego, a very mild Spanish cheese made with sheep milk. We had a Spanish dry sherry before the meal, followed by a Spanish red and then white wine. Oh, and don’t forget the homemade orange cake. After having skipped lunch on Friday, it was a great way to make up for it!! I wish I could drink some more, but I had to work the next day.

On Saturday, Dan drove me to work that morning and came with Gander to pick me up at the end of the day to drive up Vancouver for the weekend. We ate sushi on the way up, the traffic was great, the border line-up was short and we made it to his parents’ house in Langley in great time. All in all, it was a very nice drive up. When we arrived, we were presented with a very pleasant surprise – paella! Yummy! After eating the sushi and then the paella, it was not hard for me to fall asleep by 9:30pm!!

Our plan to meet my parents and Alan at the dog park at Buntzen Lake on Sunday was disrupted by torrential rain that morning. So we just headed out to my parents’ house instead. It has been over a year since I saw Alan and it was nice to have the whole family together again. And what better to do than to have dim sum on a Sunday? Auntie Jo joined us for dim sum as well and we all ate so much! By the time we got back to the house, we were all affected by the MSG and everyone took a nap!! Dan left in the afternoon to teach karate while the Chan clan continued to eat some more!! We had BBQ at home: steaks, prawns, oysters, grilled veggies…

The weather improved this morning, so we finally made it to Buntzen Lake. (Not without a very big breakfast at the Kogan’s first!) The off-leash area is a bit small, but Gander had a good time swimming and stealing other dogs’ toys. But for some reason, the dogs at this park seemed so much more agitated and high-strung. There were quite a few nasty sounding scuffles during the 1 ½ hours we were there. Gander was in a couple of them, but he came out unscathed.

We then met with Nick at the New Westminster Quay, checked out the construction progress of out apartment building there (yep, it’s coming along and should be ready in February) and had lunch at one of the pubs at the Quay. We hit the road after that and to our suprise, the wait at the border did not take long…only about 30 minutes which is not bad for a long weekend!

It’s back to the salt mine tomorrow. But it will only be 4 more days before next weekend: my cousins from the U.K. will be in town for Grandma’s birthday soiree and I just can’t wait to have our little reunion.


At 7:12 AM, Blogger jamillafox said...

Wow, you guys look so happy. Glad you had a good long weekend.


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