Friday, September 02, 2005

Day 4 After Katrina Hit

Well, there goes August. My work day has been pretty regular and steady and I didn't get rushed off my feet. But for some reason, I still managed to get a huge pile of charts to work on at the end of the day.

On my way home, I was bombarded, once again, with more news and updates about New Orleans and the neighboring areas. Sounds like lawlessness has begun: gun looting, armed looting, gang wars and, most deplorable of all, shooting at rescuers trying to get into the city. You hear stories of how people in crisis come together and help each other, all the heroes that spawn from the desperate situations they are in. And then you hear about these hoodlums taking advantage of the circumstances for personal gain or just out out pure stupidity.

And when I got home, of course the CNN was on. I finally sat down for the first time and watched the various footage of what was left of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. To hear that a computer simulation done about 3 years ago accurately predicted the aftermath of a, then hypothetical, Level 5 hurricane would make everyone wonder, 'Why wasn't more done about it?' Sure enough, the project to enforce the levy (sp) systems had its funding cut back... oh, and who decided to do that? No other than President B himself! And where is most of the National Guard when the nation needs them to keep order in a place that is quickly becoming no-man's land? Oh, right! Most of them are in Iraq, fighting a war that should not have been started in the first place! Way to go, W!

As much as I still feel very sad for the storm victims, that sadness is slowly turning into disbelief and anger. I am not saying that any of this could be prevented, but any intelligent person would be able to safely assume the damage would have been less severe if more was done before the storm hit. If I feel angry sitting in my dry, warm kitchen, I can't even begin to comprehend what someone sitting at the top of their roof for the 4th day waiting for help must be thinking.

The whole world is watching how all this unfolds here in the U.S. of A. The richest nation in the world. The strongest economic power. The super police. The world is watching.


At 5:32 PM, Blogger Bstermyster said...

It is just crazy that the raping, looting etc. is happening the way it is. I haven't seen any of the footage, and as time goes by I feel less and less likely to watch because I get so upset.


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