Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My First Entry (... So what brought you here?)

Well, here I am! My own blog! Why did I start one? Trust me, I am still asking myself that question. Who would be interested in reading my journal anyway? But with a bit of encouragement from my cousin, Jean, I thought to myself, “Why the hell not?!?” Sure enough, the life of a 33-year-old living in the suburbia of Seattle is a far cry from a 21-year-old living in the Big Apple, but it will be a good way for me to vent. Besides, if I put my thoughts on ‘paper’, perhaps it will help me process them better; after all, it has worked in the past. Yes, I have kept journals before and, yes, I have had on-and-off relationships with them. Who knows how often I will be writing in this one and how long it will last! Maybe with a perceived audience, I will be more motivated to keep up with it. We shall see!

Despite what the title of the blog suggests, I do care about other people and I do realize that the world does not quite revolve around me. My thoughts are with the poor souls affected by Hurricane, now Tropical Storm, Katrina. A few have heard my feeling on this one: as sad as this catastrophic event has been, it is also a very humbling event – no matter how advanced our technology is and will be, you can’t beat Mother Nature.


At 12:01 PM, Blogger jamillafox said...

Good job Angie. I'm sure there are more ppl interested than you think. I was definitely pleasantly surprised in that area! The hurricane is really scary- a lot of my friends from college are still there. I still can't believe my university is practically submerged...

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Bernice said...

Hey Anne-gi! Just wanted to let you know that I have a blog too =) bclee1123.blogspot.com talk to you later!


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